Give Your Health A Boost
Give your health a boost
Hormones and Body-Mind Health
Do you ever have those days where nothing seems to go right? Nothing seems to come together, nothing sits well. Do you ever wonder if it’s the universe telling you something? Well maybe its way more straight-forward than that. Maybe it’s just your good old hormones
It’s Ok To Not Want To Run A Marathon
Is it just me or does everyone in the world seem to be training for a marathon, for a huge cycle around Cuba, or London to Paris, raising hundreds for charity, or just generally demonstrating their golden shining halos of angel-like qualities to the rest of the world.
Exercise - Everyone Can Do It!
To most people the idea taking part in exercise means getting sweaty, out of breath, with a pumping heart rate, lots of hard work, feeling like you're going to faint. That thing we all shy away from. That every January or spring time we swear we will start again. We join a gym and pay the fee, go twice in the first week, feeling really smug, then we stop. Meanwhile the gym owners reap the financial rewards of our hard labour by doing nothing.